Barn Exhibits

Here are some of the exhibits to see in the early 1900s Dairy Barn:

Milking Stanchions
Cow stalls with stanchions for milking cows.
Calf Pen
Calf Pen
Chicken Coup
Chicken coop in the corner of the barn.
Cow Bells & Animal Handling Info Display
Display of cow bells and other information about the handling and management of dairy cows.
Hay Storage in the Barn
Display with information about how hay was stored and managed in the haymow (a.k.a. hayloft).
Care of Dairy Cows Display
Display of medical, dehorning, and other information on the care of dairy cows.
Milking Apparatus
Cream cans and hand cranked cream separator.
Interior of the Barn from the North End
A view of the interior of the barn from the North end. Cow stalls are on the left; animal pens on the right.
Interior of Barn, Side Door
View from the side door of the interior of the barn.
Steel & Wood Stanchions
Note the steel stanchion on the left vs. the older wood stanchion on the right. Stanchions were used to immobilize cows for milking. Each cow had her own stanchion – notice the names written above each stanchion.
Feed Aisle of the Milk Parlor
View of the feed aisle. In the back of the photo notice the gray water tank suspended from the ceiling. Water from this tank was piped to the water bowls which you can see protruding into the aisle on the left, providing drinking water for the cows. On the floor to the right below the water tank is a wooden feed box for quick access to animal feed.

Learn about the history of this dairy barn
See also:
The history and business of dairy farming
How Wisconsin Became the Dairy State
The disappearance of dairy barns in Wisconsin