The October 10 meeting of the Pittsville Historical Society was called to order by President Randy Fochs. The Secretary and Treasurer reports were presented and approved.
Old Business began with a report on a meeting that Randy and Chris Buchanan had with the History Club at the High School. The students asked for help with their Veteran’s Day program. Chris and Randy told them some of the things that they could do to help us such as fundraising, research and scanning of the yearbooks. It was suggested that the students come to the museum to research their topics and the members will help to develop the program.
New Business began with a discussion about checking the buildings during the winter months. Chris Nepper and Chris Buchanan will check as needed….
There was a discussion about repairing the inside of the Scranton School building. The members would fix the cracks and perform other maintenance duties and it was suggested to hire a professional painter. The floors and doors will be worked on. It is important to keep the buildings in good repair sticking close to the original look.
The floor in the downstairs of the museum will be painted during the winter months. We are not open during this time because the buildings are not heated. The furnace keeps the downstairs warm but not the upstairs display area. There is a contact person listed on the website to schedule a visit if possible.
Chris Buchanan is working on a new display. She is looking for any information on local authors and their books. Please contact her or go to the websie www.pittsvilleareahistoricalsociety.org if you can help. The website has wonderful pictures and information about the displays and books for sale.
Motion to adjourn
official/approved minutes can be viewed upon request.)